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During my childhood, I spent one week of each sweltering Tennessee summer at my grandparent’s farm.  My granddaddy, fuller of grunted replies than actual words, would quietly idle at the end of dinner and give a Master’s Class in storytelling.  I cannot ever remember consciously declaring that I wanted to be a Storyteller too, but I knew I wanted to be able to do what he did.

For a girl who likes a plan, life has given me plenty of surprises. The more I shared those experiences with others, I found my storytelling weaved a web of connectedness.  The story’s web connected to the listener emotionally, their senses to God’s reality, and an opportunity for them to experience Jesus in new and deeper ways. I realized, the stories God was giving me to tell were to grow His Kingdom and to draw people to the gospel.

I still love a good story whether it is being told or read. Subconsciously, I believe I prayed for God to give me a life that always gave me new stories to tell.  So I hope you will sign up to follow along as we share the stories of our ministry life, family life, and everything else in between! If already signed up please check your inbox now to ensure your Welcome Letter did not end up in the spam or junk folder.

We write a monthly story, because we believe stories weave a web of connectedness with each other and our community. We are connected through our shared experiences no matter the size of the ocean between us and encourage us towards a deeper connection with our Creator.

We desire for our partners to feel like they are with us in every moment of our lives, so we share the most vulnerable of details from our greatest joys to deepest heart aches.We hope each story leaves you feeling inspired and encouraged.